If you are in business and are interested in purchasing address lists go on with a reputable company. Ask other's in the business where they go for their lists. Remember if you are being offered hundreds of names and addresses the lists are most likely very general. You also have to be careful with the large lists that you will not be accused of spamming people.
More and more home businesses and small companies are competing for customers. Today the advertising market is much different than it has been in the past because of the number of products that are sold through the Internet. Today one of the driving forces behind advertising is getting good address lists. These lists have become very sought after and depending on your needs, very expensive.
The expense comes in if you are purchasing address lists with special criteria attached to them. The address lists can contain e-mail addresses, postal addresses or both. The address lists that contain e-mail addresses that are not with Hot Mail or Yahoo tend to be more expensive. The reason for this is that Hot Mail and Yahoo block so many emails coming into their subscribers and since they can be subscribed for free, the quality of the lists are not considered high enough for marketing; one person can have more than 1 Yahoo email accounts in just a few minutes.
The American lists have also gotten more expensive due to the Anti-Spam laws. The people on the email address lists have in some way opt-ed onto the lists by purchasing something or placing their address on a form. Address lists have been around for many years, long before the Internet was established. The early lists were used by telemarketers as well as door-to-door sales men.
Years ago the door-to-door sales men would exchange the names and addresses of customers that they had with other salesman. This way they would have a place to start when going into a different territory. Today the development of the address lists is much more sophisticated. The lists are categorized by the person's interests, spending habits, what websites they have visited, what purchases that have been made and many other criteria.
There are times when people know that they are adding their names to address lists. Examples would be requesting additional information from a website or about a product. There are other times when you have no idea that you are placing your personal information on a contact list. The most common way of doing this is asking a person to sign up for a raffle.
Whether people are signing up on the Internet or at a booth at the local fair, no one thinks twice about placing their name, address telephone number, and e-mail address on a raffle or sweepstakes entry. This information is then placed on an address list and sold. Did you realize why you could get free stuff from Internet website that only require you to key in your name and email address?